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jesper-aggergaard-CEM52sAHR80-unsplash Dr DNA photo
alexander-redl-185764-unsplash Physio photo
Image by <a href=””>Freepik</a>
Image by <a href=””>Freepik</a>
SCENAR Treatment options of DRIs (Dog Related Injuries)
image: jamie-street-vHKyL2V_pQU-unsplash Walking the Dog Related Injuries Protocol Whenever we take our four-legged friends outside for a walk, they go crazy. It is not uncommon for anyone who has spent a significant amount of time walking their dogs to find that...
How Electrotherapy Can Help Alleviate Chronic Pain: Guide
For those who suffer from chronic pain, daily life can be a constant struggle. Whether it's back pain, arthritis, or fibromyalgia, chronic pain can significantly impact one's quality of life. While traditional pain management methods such as medication and physical...
Noskova L. Thyroid gland treatment with SCENAR Devices
When you have very difficult cases (the patients, for whom the previous therapy turned out to be ineffective), you realize those possibilities, which SCENAR-therapy gives. In this article we will give the example of prolonged treatment of the patient with...